College Virgins are Fighting for their Right Not to Party

A couple of decades ago, women were burning their bras across America's campuses in hopes of giving their chimichangas a little air. Now it seems there's another sexual revolution going on, and this one isn't nearly as fun.

A New York Times article says that more students are keeping it in their pants -- and telling more people about it than ever before.

Abstinence activists like Janie Fredell at Harvard are waging an all-out war for the hearts (and pants) of the Ivy League elite:

"The hookup culture is so absolutely all-encompassing," says Fredell, who runs a group called the True Love Revolution. "It's shocking! It's everywhere!"

Apparently those pesky human impulses are enough of a problem that Fredell's group is sending out fliers and holding debates at such a pace you might think they were overcompensating for something.

It's not for us to tell students what to do, but we can't help think Harvard sex columnist Lena Chen sounds like better company: "For me being a strong woman means not being ashamed that I like to have sex... It feels good! It feels good!"

Perhaps Lena can tell us in which dorm this all-encompassing smarty pants hook-up culture can be found.

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